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Discovering the true depths of team building

Team building is one of the most important aspects of any business. It can be the difference between a team that is successful and one that falls apart. We all know the extensive list of traditional benefits that come from team building from improved communication, increased productivity, employee engagement and better teamwork. However, there are some hidden benefits that are just as important. These benefits are the foundation to all the wonderful outcomes we see after a team day. They are the benefits that we often don’t think about but make all the difference.

Before we delve deeper let’s take a closer look at why it’s so important we understand the cause and effect relationship of team building. What I mean here is that many of us know that a team building event can improve communication in the office but many of us don’t know why. Modern team building has become more complex over the years. With the rise of digital communication and collaboration, teams are now more likely to be spread out across different time zones and cultures. As such, team building activities must be carefully designed to challenge team members and help them develop the skills they need to be successful. When you know the foundational benefits of a successful team event, you can create an experience that will foster lasting results.

Without further delay, let’s take a look at the hidden benefits to team building and why they are the beginning to a successful team:


Provides Permission to Play

If you are already familiar with our blog, then you will know we don’t just believe in the power of play we are extreme advocates that believe it is an absolutely essential element to a happy and healthy life.

Play is defined as “engaging in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.” When we play, we let our guard down and relax. We’re not focused on achieving a specific goal; we’re just having fun.

But why is play so important? Play has been shown to reduce stress, improve brain function, and increase creativity. It can also help us build stronger relationships and bonds with others.

In the workplace, play can be just as important. When we’re constantly under pressure to perform, it’s easy to forget the importance of taking a break and having some fun. But when we do take the time to play, we can come back to our work feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever comes our way.

So how does team building promote play? In simple, it gives us permission to play. Permission from ourselves, our superiors, and our stakeholders. Play can often be misconstrued as unprofessional, but in truth, it is the complete opposite. Play shows that we are comfortable with ourselves and our colleagues. It shows that we trust each other and are willing to let our guard down. A team building activity lets everyone know that its ok to let loose, have fun and enjoy themselves.

When we play together, we are able to see each other in a different light and understand each other better. We’re also more likely to communicate openly and honestly with each other, which can lead to a more productive and positive work environment.

Encourages Authenticity

Authenticity has been a buzzword in the business world for a while now. But what does it actually mean? Authenticity is defined as “the quality of being genuine or true.” In other words, it’s about being real and honest with yourself and others.

So why is authenticity so important in the workplace? A study published in the Journal of Business Ethics found that when employees feel free to be themselves at work, they’re more likely to be satisfied with their jobs, committed to the organisation, and perceive their workplace as supportive.

And with the ever-changing landscape of work, authenticity is more important than ever before. In today’s workplace, we’re constantly interacting with new technologies and working in new ways. But when we’re authentic, we feel more confident and empowered to do our best work. We’re also more likely to build trust with our colleagues and create a more inclusive environment.

So how do team building activities promote authenticity? In simple team building activities break down the barriers that prevent us from being our true selves. Hierarchies are removed, deadlines forgotten and a healthy dose of fun injected. This creates an environment where employees feel empowered to contribute ideas and thoughts freely, and leaders can effectively relate and communicate to all their staff. Removing hierarchy barriers are also an excellent way to make leaders more approachable, increase employee engagement, productivity and reduce toxicity, giving a boost to business performance.

When we feel like we belong somewhere, we are more likely to be our true selves. We feel comfortable enough to share our ideas and thoughts without fear of judgement. And when we’re able to share our authentic selves, we are able to build deeper relationships with our colleagues.

Creates Watercooler Moments

As many of us continue to work remotely for the foreseeable future and many businesses choosing to adopt a work from home policy long term it’s important that we do not underestimate the influence our physical presence plays on our workplace culture. Once taken for granted, many of us who are working remotely can’t quite put our finger on “what is missing’ in our day-to-day work lives…. The answer is what we like to refer to as the ‘water cooler moments.’ These are the unplanned moments shared with team mates where we engage in non-work-related chatter; it could be discussing what we did on the weekend or debriefing on the latest episode of the top reality tv program of the time.

You may be wondering how encouraging your team of employees to engage in mindless reality tv is beneficial to building a stronger team? Well far from being harmful, studies show that casual workplace conversation and no-pressure socialising actually leads to a multitude of benefits, including increased productivity and collaboration, the establishment of trust between employees, and strengthened team building and engagement.

So how does a team building event promote water cooler moments? By its very nature, a team building event is designed to bring employees together in a fun and relaxed environment. This encourages employees to let their guard down and connect with their colleagues on a personal level. And when we’re able to connect with our colleagues on a personal level, we’re more likely to build trust and respect for each other. We’re also more likely to feel comfortable sharing our ideas and thoughts freely, which can lead to increased productivity and collaboration.

Team building activities help to achieve so many amazing benefits for the workplace and when planned and delivered correctly, the results are remarkable.

Finally, remember that team building is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. You should keep reinforcing the learning obtained from your team building event and ensure that everyone stays on track so that your hard effort pays off. Investing in team building activities on a regular basis will pay off in the long run with a more productive, cohesive team, but only if it’s done right.

What are some of the benefits you have experienced from a well-planned team building activity? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!