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30 lessons from 30 years of building positive team cultures

We are turning 30!

To celebrate this incredible milestone, we asked our General Manager Dwain Richardson, who has built Corporate Challenge over three decades, to share 30 life lessons that have helped us build positive team cultures across Australia and New Zealand.

His insights, grounded in years of experience, offer valuable perspectives on fostering a dynamic and supportive workplace environment. These lessons reflect not only his personal journey but also the core values that have guided our own teams success.

A note from Dwain:

As I celebrate 30 years in business, I want to take a moment to share some of the life lessons I’ve been fortunate enough to learn along the way. These insights come from real-world experience—navigating both the highs and lows of a long career.

The road has not always been smooth, but each challenge has provided an opportunity for growth and understanding. I’m sharing these lessons not as an expert handing down wisdom, but as someone who has walked the path, faced the obstacles, and learnt a lot along the way.

Over the years, these lessons have not only shaped my personal journey but have also influenced the workplace culture we strive to cultivate. A thriving workplace culture is built on shared values, mutual respect, and continuous learning. It’s about creating an environment where everyone can grow, contribute, and find fulfillment in their work.

Here are the life lessons that have shaped my journey and, I hope, can offer you some valuable perspective, both personally and professionally:

Be Kind Always

In my 30 years of business, I’ve found that kindness is a powerful tool. It fosters a supportive and positive work environment, which leads to higher morale and productivity. Kindness doesn’t cost anything but can build invaluable relationships and trust within your team. Plus, it simply feels good to be kind. So why not try it? The next person you pass in the office or talk to on the phone—do something nice for them. When people feel valued and respected, they are more likely to go the extra mile.

Believe and Achieve

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. This mindset has been a cornerstone of my journey. Belief in your capabilities can propel you to achieve what might seem impossible. Doubts and fears are natural, but they shouldn’t dictate your actions. Trust in your skills, keep pushing forward, and you’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish.

Laugh often, life is too short

You Don’t Have to Be Friends with Everyone on Your Team:

Recognise that you don’t have to be best friends with everyone you work with but you do need to hold mutual respect.

Someone Has to Put the Stickers on Apples

Recognise and Appreciate Our Differences: Every role within a team, no matter how small it may seem, is essential to the overall success. Someone has to put the stickers on apples. Recognising and appreciating our differences allows us to see the unique value each person brings. This appreciation fosters a culture of respect and inclusion, where everyone feels that their contributions are meaningful. It’s these varied roles and perspectives that collectively drive a business forward.

Keep Things Simple: Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)

Ta Eph’hemin, Ta Ouk Eph’hemin – What Is Up to Us, What Is Not Up to Us

One of the most profound lessons I’ve learned is understanding the distinction between what is within our control and what is not. The ancient Greek phrase

“ta eph’hemin, ta ouk eph’hemin”

embodies this principle. During the challenging times of 2020, this concept, highlighted in the book “The Obstacle is the Way”, resonated deeply with me. Focusing on what we can control empowers us to make impactful decisions while letting go of what’s beyond our influence reduces unnecessary stress and frustration.

Know Your Job – What Is the Most Important Thing I Can Be Doing Right Now

We all have those days when the to-do list is overwhelming. For me, this happens more than once or twice a week. Clarity and focus are critical in business, especially on those days. Always ask yourself: “What is the most important thing I can be doing right now?” This question helps prioritise tasks and ensure that your efforts are aligned with your goals.

Everyone Deserves a Chance, a Second Chance, and Even a Third.

Find Your Why and Try to Live It Every Day

In my journey, I’ve learned the importance of being clear about your “Why.” For me, it’s been about creating opportunities so that others can achieve happiness and success—whatever that means to them. I have been lucky to use Corporate Challenge Events as a platform for this, whether it’s through job satisfaction, financial prosperity, or connection to a greater purpose. By finding your own “Why” and striving to live it every day, you can bring more meaning and fulfillment to your work and life.

Don’t Underestimate the “Power of Play”

I’ve spent many years researching the power of play… after all its what I get to bring to teams everyday. The power of play is often underestimated but incredibly vital. Incorporating playful activities into the work environment can boost creativity, reduce stress, and strengthen team bonds. Infact; play is a fundamental part of our biology. When we play, we’re not just having fun, we’re lighting up our brains, releasing mood-boosting endorphins, and enhancing our problem-solving skills. After all, as George Bernard Shaw once said, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

Read and keep learning, there is so much to know.

It’s Okay to Have Fun

Growing up, I was inspired by my father’s work ethic. He worked hard to provide for us but didn’t enjoy his job due to a stressful, competitive environment. This realisation led me to build a business where work is something to look forward to each day. I’ve dedicated my career to helping others find fun in their work lives. Fun is crucial for boosting productivity and creativity, and many successful companies like Google and Amazon embrace this principle. By fostering a positive and enjoyable workplace, we can make work feel more like a privilege than a chore.


Vulnerability Is a Strength

This has got to be one of my most overwhelming lessons that I learnt the tough way. Our team development story spans nearly three decades and includes both highs and lows. During the global financial crisis (GFC) in 2007, I felt uncertain about the future of our business and as a team we were vulnerable. Despite the uncertainty, we maintained high morale by supporting each other, prioritising weekly meetings, and engaging in regular team-building activities. This period taught me my first ‘AHA moment’—that our lowest times in business were not our lowest as a team.

Fast forward to 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic brought more challenges. We were forced to reduce staff wages and hours, and I had to tell my team once again I was unsure about the future—a moment that terrified me. I struggled once again with the vulnerability, losing sleep and weight. The business I had built over 25 years seemed to be crumbling, and our team faced significant tensions.

This led to my second ‘AHA moment.’ Being vulnerable didn’t mean we weren’t strong as a team. It became clear that vulnerability—being open about fears and uncertainties—was crucial for rebuilding our team’s connection and resilience. By embracing vulnerability, we navigated through the crisis together, reinforcing the strength and unity of our team.

Bitterness Achieves Nothing

Business is the Melbourne Cup not The Manikato Stakes

It’s easy to get caught up in the rush for quick successes, especially in the business world. Think of business as a marathon, not a sprint. It’s all about pacing yourself, maintaining focus, and building resilience. Long-term success comes from consistently putting in the effort and having the patience to navigate both the good and the bad times. Remember, it’s about the journey as much as the destination.


Exercise Is Important to Control the Little Man (in Your Head) among other things

Maintaining mental health and clarity is essential for effective leadership, and exercise plays a significant role in this. Physical activity helps control the “little man in your head”—that inner voice of doubt and anxiety. Regular exercise reduces stress, boosts mood, and improves cognitive function, allowing you to think more clearly and make better decisions. For me, incorporating exercise into my daily routine is non negotiable. It’s a simple yet powerful way to keep your mind sharp and maintain the resilience needed to lead a team effectively.

Wealth is So Much More Than Money.

Trust the MOEcess

Life and success are not achieved overnight; they are the results of ongoing effort and a focused approach. In 2018, I read “The Power of Moments” by Chip and Dan Heath, and it had a profound impact on me. During a conference, our team was discussing our client journey and how to infuse ‘Moments of Elevation’ throughout their customer experience. This discussion led to the theme: TRUST THE MOECESS.

It’s simple but powerful. Trust the process, and go the extra mile to create those special moments for your clients. Every step forward, however small, builds towards your ultimate goals. At Corporate Challenge, we’ve always believed in this philosophy. Through every obstacle and setback, our commitment to the MOEcess has guided us forward.


Baseball and Business are the Two Best Pastimes

Baseball and business share many similarities, making them two of the best pastimes in my life. Both require strategy, teamwork, and a long-term vision. In baseball, players must be patient, wait for the right pitch, and make split-second decisions. Similarly, in business, success often hinges on strategic planning, timing, and quick, informed choices. More importantly just like in baseball, where every player has a role and contributes to the team’s success, in business, every team member plays a crucial part.

Good things happen to good people

It is Possible to Find Love in Everything You Do…

You Just Have to Want To

Passion and love for what you do are powerful motivators that drive success and fulfillment. Whether it’s your career, hobbies, or daily tasks, approaching them with a mindset of love and enthusiasm transforms even mundane activities into rewarding experiences. It’s about shifting your perspective to see the value in every task, finding purpose in your actions, and embracing opportunities to grow and contribute.

Technology will never replace the feeling of writing with a good quality pen

I’m a pen and manual to do list person. There’s something irreplaceable about the feeling of writing with a good quality pen. Technology has its place, but for me, nothing beats the satisfaction of putting pen to paper. It keeps things personal and grounded. If you find yourself overwhelmed by digital tools, try going back to basics. You might find it helps you stay more focused and organised.

Luck = when opportunity meets persistence

Life is like a good Red, it gets better with age. At times it may feel like its spoilt but with time it continues to improve

Life, much like a good red wine, gets better with age. There are moments when it might seem like it’s spoiling, but with patience, it continues to improve. Just as wine matures and develops complex flavors over time, so do our experiences and wisdom. Embrace the aging process and trust that life, in all its stages, has its own richness to offer.

Find true Love, upon discovery life becomes forever better

If you are yet to find TRUE love I highly recommend you dedicate the time to do so. Whether it be a life partner, children or something else, once discovered, the connection and purpose in life become forever clearer and worthwhile.  

Challenge your comfort zone, you will never know your potential until you do

Family is everything. Spend quality time with those most important to you and let them know how much they mean, often

Growing up, I learned early on the importance of spending quality time with loved ones. In a long business career, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget what truly matters. I’ve always made it a priority to spend time with those most important to me and let them know how much they mean, often. These moments of connection aren’t just nice-to-haves; they’re essential. They ground us, give us purpose, and remind us why we work so hard.

Honesty is the best policy, if you want people to trust and respect you, be honest.

In conclusion, I started my work life determined to find a way to enjoy my career. The irony is that I found myself creating a business that is focused on inspiring others to embrace the power of play to achieve the same end goal. Has it been an easy journey? Has it been always  enjoyable? Would I take any of it back? Not at all, as they say great sailors are not made sailing smooth seas. My final lesson…

Life Isn’t Easy – Surround Yourself with Great People/Build Community:

Life is full of challenges, and navigating them alone can be difficult. As Tyler Perry once said in his powerful speech, people come into your life like parts of a tree. Some people are like leaves—temporary and beautiful, but eventually, they fall away as seasons change. Then there are those who are like branches—they appear strong and supportive, yet when faced with significant stress or adversity, they may break and leave you hanging. However, the most crucial people in your life are like the roots of a tree—deeply connected, unseen, and essential for your growth and stability. While you need leaves and branches to learn different lessons and appreciate different phases of life, it is the roots—your close-knit community—that you rely on to get through the toughest times.


Embrace the idea that people have their own time and purpose in your life. Cherish the leaves and branches for their contributions and the lessons they bring, but ensure you prioritise those who are your roots.